So goes yet another chapter in the story of one of the most pointless feuds in the universe: The feud between the local government units of Cebu Province and Cebu City.
Let this be the point where it crossed from merely ridiculous to I-just-can't-believe-this-shit.

It's like the left hand fighting with the right-- nothing gets done. I'd bet most people are not even aware that the city government is independent from the provincial government. The pointlessness of these inflammatory theatrics is mind-boggling. Fight fire with fire, and this whole island will burn.
I could write a long post collecting evidence and examining, point for point, why this rivalry is as stupid and destructive as it is. But what's the point? If Tommy and Gwen can't see with their own eyes how stupid they're being, the power of logic would hardly be enough to pierce their thick skulls.
What the hell is wrong with you guys. You're acting like goddamn children. Filipinos deserve better.
You know what, there should be a giant scoreboard put up at Fuente Osmena. Gwen VS Tom. Tom gets 1 point for originality. So far he still has the best puns. Definitely 1 point for calling the Governor "Tandang Zorra". The Governor gets no points for holding a big cock in her hand. Oops. I mean that in reference to her calling the Mayor "Spring Chicken". Not clever enough for me. A little too slapstick